Step into the mystical world of Terunyan Village, nestled in the heart of the Kintamani crater in north-central Bali. Your private guide, Yansu, a native of this ancient village, will take you on an unforgettable journey to his family’s legendary cemetery, where the local people have laid their loved ones to rest for generations.
At the Terunyan Cemetery, witness a unique burial tradition that is unlike any other. The deceased are placed in bamboo cages, exposed to the elements, allowing nature to slowly reclaim their bodies in a process deeply intertwined with the Balinese belief in the life-death cycle. It is a profound and humbling experience that reveals the deep connection between life, death, and nature in Balinese culture.
This sacred site is accessible only by boat, with a serene 15-minute journey across a tranquil lake that adds to the peaceful yet eerie atmosphere. Visiting Terunyan will not only leave a lasting impression but also give you a rare insight into one of Bali’s most ancient and sacred traditions.